Department of Economics

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World Population Day: Awareness of Population in Student

World Population Day is observed every year on 11th July to raise awareness on the
world population, its growth, and its impacts. It is observed globally to aware of the people
about the stress on resources due to population and also to take up containment steps like
family planning etc.
World Population Day was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations
Development Programme in 1989. At the root of it was the date 11th July 1987, when the
world population reached five billion. It was to bring awareness about the population growth
and its impact that the world population day was instituted.
World Population Day was suggested by Dr. K.C. Zachariah who worked as a senior
demographer in the World Bank from 1971 to 1987. Dr. Zachariah hailed from the state of
Kerala in India and is currently serving as Honorary Professor at the Centre for Development